Oracle cloud

Oracle Cloud Contracts – What You Should Know in 2024

  1. Oracle Cloud Services Agreement (CSA): Governs the use of Oracle Cloud services, covering legal rights, payment terms, data ownership, and non-disclosure clauses.
  2. Cloud Ordering Document: Details specific cloud services purchased, including service names, quantities, pricing, and special terms.
  3. Negotiation Importance: The CSA is valid for five years; proper negotiation ensures flexibility and cost-effectiveness.
  4. Benefits of Proper Negotiation: Increases flexibility in service swapping, starts billing upon service usage, and enhances contract terms.

Understanding Oracle Cloud Agreements

oracle cloud contracts

Navigating the legal and operational frameworks of Oracle Cloud services requires a comprehensive understanding of the various agreements that govern the use of these services.

This section delves into the Oracle Cloud Services Agreement (CSA), the Oracle Master Agreement (OMA), and the Oracle Cloud Ordering Document, outlining their definitions, purposes, and how they interact to provide a complete contractual framework for Oracle Cloud customers.

Oracle Cloud Services Agreement (CSA)

  • Definition and Purpose: The Oracle Cloud Services Agreement (CSA) serves as the primary contractual document between Oracle and its cloud customers. It outlines the terms under which Oracle’s cloud services are provided, including usage rights, customer responsibilities, warranty disclaimers, and liability limitations. The CSA is designed to ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of their rights and obligations, promoting a transparent and efficient service experience.
  • Key Components and Coverage: The CSA covers a wide range of topics essential for cloud service delivery, such as:
    • Service Descriptions: Detailed outlines of the cloud services being provided, including any service-specific terms.
    • Data Protection: Policies and obligations related to data privacy, security, and compliance with applicable laws.
    • Payment Terms: Details on subscription fees, billing cycles, and payment methods.
    • Term and Termination: Information on the agreement’s duration, renewal processes, and termination rights.

Oracle Master Agreement (OMA)

  • How it Complements the CSA: The Oracle Master Agreement (OMA) provides a framework for all Oracle software, hardware, and cloud services transactions. It complements the CSA by establishing general terms that apply to the purchase and use of Oracle products and services, including warranty, indemnification, and intellectual property rights. When used together, the OMA and CSA offer a comprehensive legal foundation for engaging with Oracle Cloud services.
  • Transactional vs. Five-Year Term Agreements: The OMA can be structured as either a transactional agreement, suitable for one-time purchases or short-term needs, or a five-year term agreement, which is often preferred by organizations seeking longer-term stability and predictability in their Oracle service usage. The choice between these options depends on the customer’s operational needs and strategic objectives.

Oracle Cloud Ordering Document

  • Role in Specifying Service Terms and Conditions: The Oracle Cloud Ordering Document specifies the particular services a customer is subscribing to under the CSA. It includes detailed information such as the types and quantities of services, the duration of subscriptions, and any special terms that apply to the transaction. This document plays a crucial role in customizing the agreement to meet specific customer needs and service expectations.
  • Process for Initiating Oracle Cloud Services: To initiate Oracle Cloud services, customers must first review and accept the CSA and OMA, then complete an Oracle Cloud Ordering Document that outlines their specific service selections. This document is submitted to Oracle for processing, after which the services specified in the order become available for use according to the terms outlined in the combined agreements.

Through a careful review of the CSA, OMA, and Oracle Cloud Ordering Document, customers can ensure that they are fully informed of their rights and responsibilities, enabling them to leverage Oracle Cloud services effectively while adhering to the agreed-upon legal and operational frameworks.

Oracle Cloud Contract – The Oracle Cloud Services Agreement (CSA)

oracle cloud services agreement

This document governs the use of Oracle cloud services and your agreement with Oracle.

What is covered but not limited to:

  • Which legal entity has the right to use the cloud services?
  • Payments to Oracle and how to manage over-usage.
  • Regarding ownership rights and restrictions, you own your data, and Oracle owns its IP.
  • Non-disclosure clause.
  • How Oracle protects, manages, and stores your data.
  • Oracle does not warrant that there are no service disruptions.
  • Liability and Indemnification
  • Term and termination clause: if the cloud agreement is terminated, Oracle
    will make the data available to you for 60 days.
  • Force Majeure
  • Governing law and jurisdiction
  • Assignment: you may not assign your cloud services to another legal entity.
    Oracle Cloud Ordering Document

All Oracle cloud customers must sign an Oracle CSA with Oracle, and some contract terms are negotiable while others are not.

Cloud Ordering Document

oracle cloud contract

This document mainly deals with specific cloud services you purchase from Oracle, the quantities, license models, pricing, and any special conditions attached to these specific cloud services.

  • Name of cloud services that you can use
  • Quantities or value/amount that you can consume/utilize.
  • Special terms that grant or restrict your cloud usage.
  • Price protection, renewal pricing, price holds etc.

Key Features of Oracle Cloud Agreements

Key Features of Oracle Cloud Agreements

Oracle Cloud Agreements are foundational to ensuring that customers understand and can fully leverage the suite of services offered by Oracle Cloud.

Two critical components of these agreements are the Data Privacy and Security Policies and the Service Level Agreements (SLAs). These aspects underscore Oracle’s commitment to customer success, data protection, and service reliability.

Data Privacy and Security Policies

Oracle’s dedication to data privacy and security is a cornerstone of its cloud services, reflecting a deep understanding of the importance of data protection in today’s digital landscape.

  • Overview of Oracle’s Commitment to Data Protection: Oracle Cloud Agreements encapsulate stringent data privacy and security measures designed to safeguard customer data against unauthorized access, disclosure, and misuse. Oracle employs a comprehensive approach to security, incorporating advanced technologies and practices to ensure that data is encrypted, both in transit and at rest, and that access controls are rigorously enforced.
  • Compliance with Global Data Privacy Regulations: Oracle Cloud services are structured to comply with a wide array of global data privacy regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and other jurisdiction-specific laws. This commitment to regulatory compliance ensures that customers can trust Oracle with their data, knowing that it will be handled by the highest legal and ethical standards.

Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Oracle Cloud Agreements also feature comprehensive SLAs, which are essential for customers to understand the expected performance and reliability of Oracle Cloud services.

  • Availability, Performance, and Manageability Commitments: Oracle’s SLAs detail specific commitments regarding the availability, performance, and overall manageability of its cloud services. These SLAs provide customers with clear expectations about service uptime, performance benchmarks, and the management tools available to monitor and maintain their cloud environments.
  • Understanding the Implications for Your Cloud Workloads: The SLAs included in Oracle Cloud Agreements are crucial for customers to consider when planning and deploying their cloud workloads. Understanding these SLAs helps customers make informed decisions about how to architect their applications for resilience, how to plan for potential service disruptions, and how to leverage Oracle’s infrastructure for optimal performance. It also informs customers about their rights and Oracle’s obligations in the event of service levels not being met, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Frequently Asked Questions about Oracle Cloud Agreements

Frequently Asked Questions about Oracle Cloud Agreements
  1. What is an Oracle Cloud Services Agreement (CSA)?
    It’s a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions under which customers use Oracle Cloud services.
  2. How does the Oracle Master Agreement (OMA) complement the CSA?
    The OMA provides a broader contractual framework for all Oracle services and products, while the CSA focuses specifically on cloud services.
  3. What is the Oracle Cloud Ordering Document?
    This document specifies the particular cloud services a customer is subscribing to, including quantities, prices, and other service-specific terms.
  4. Why is data privacy important in Oracle Cloud Agreements?
    Data privacy provisions ensure that customer data is handled in compliance with global data protection regulations, safeguarding personal and sensitive information.
  5. What are Oracle Cloud SLAs?
    Service Level Agreements detail Oracle’s commitments regarding the performance, availability, and manageability of its cloud services.
  6. Can I negotiate the terms of my Oracle Cloud Agreement?
    Yes, customers can negotiate terms, but the extent of flexibility might vary based on the service and the customer’s size.
  7. How do Oracle Cloud Agreements address compliance with GDPR?
    They include specific clauses ensuring that Oracle Cloud services will process data in a manner that complies with the GDPR.
  8. What happens if Oracle fails to meet SLA commitments?
    Customers may be eligible for service credits or other remedies as specified in the SLA terms.
  9. Can I cancel my Oracle Cloud service subscription at any time?
    The ability to cancel and the implications of cancellation are detailed in the CSA, including any potential early termination fees.
  10. Are there any data security guarantees in Oracle Cloud Agreements?
    Yes, Oracle guarantees to implement robust security measures to protect customer data against unauthorized access and threats.
  11. How often are Oracle Cloud Agreements updated?
    Oracle reviews and updates its agreements periodically to reflect changes in laws, regulations, and service offerings.
  12. What should I do if I have a dispute regarding my Oracle Cloud service?
    The dispute resolution process is outlined in your CSA, typically involving formal notification and a period for resolution before legal proceedings.
  13. Do Oracle Cloud Agreements cover data backup and disaster recovery?
    Yes, they outline Oracle’s responsibilities regarding data backups and disaster recovery processes.
  14. How can I ensure compliance with my organization’s data privacy policies?
    Review the data privacy and security policies in the CSA and work with Oracle to address any specific compliance needs.
  15. Where can I find the latest version of Oracle Cloud Agreements?
    The most current versions are available on Oracle’s official website or directly from your Oracle sales representative.

Oracle Contract Negotiation Expertise and Advisory

Ready to ensure your Oracle Cloud Agreements align perfectly with your organization’s needs and compliance requirements?

Our Oracle Contract Negotiation and Advisory Services are here to empower you with:

  • Expert Guidance: Leverage our deep understanding of Oracle Cloud Agreements to navigate complex negotiations.
  • Customized Strategies: Tailor your Oracle contracts to fit your unique business objectives and compliance standards.
  • Optimized Agreements: Secure the best possible terms for your Oracle Cloud services, maximizing value and minimizing risks.

Don’t navigate the complexities of Oracle Cloud Agreements alone. Contact us today to unlock the full potential of your Oracle investments with confidence and compliance.


  • Fredrik Filipsson

    Fredrik Filipsson brings two decades of Oracle license management experience, including a nine-year tenure at Oracle and 11 years in Oracle license consulting. His expertise extends across leading IT corporations like IBM, enriching his profile with a broad spectrum of software and cloud projects. Filipsson's proficiency encompasses IBM, SAP, Microsoft, and Salesforce platforms, alongside significant involvement in Microsoft Copilot and AI initiatives, enhancing organizational efficiency.