Oracle Unlimited license agreement

How to Prepare for Your Oracle ULA Renewal – Expert Guide

How to Prepare for Your Oracle ULA Renewal

  • Review Usage: Analyze current utilization against ULA terms.
  • Assess Needs: Determine future software needs and compatibility.
  • Negotiate Terms: Explore options for flexibility and cost efficiency.
  • Consult Experts: Engage with Oracle consultants or third-party advisors.
  • Documentation: Compile usage and compliance reports for negotiation leverage.

How to Prepare for Your Oracle ULA Renewal – Checklist

How to Prepare for Your Oracle ULA Renewal - Checklist

Review Your Licensing

Before starting your Oracle ULA renewal process, thoroughly review your current licensing. This involves analyzing your utilization of both ULA and non-ULA products.

By identifying all Oracle products your organization uses, you can include necessary software in the new ULA, preventing unexpected costs.

Additionally, understanding your current utilization allows informed decisions about adding or removing products from the ULA, ensuring alignment with your needs.

  • Identify current usage: Both ULA and non-ULA products.
  • Include non-ULA software: Prevent unexpected costs.
  • Adjust product utilization: Add or remove products as needed.

Benchmark Your Oracle ULA

Oracle ULAs lack a standard price list, allowing significant room for negotiation. Most companies can secure better pricing than initially offered. To do this, benchmark your ULA against industry standards.

Research what other companies pay for similar agreements to understand the going rates. Use this information to set realistic negotiation goals and approach negotiations with confidence.

Understand Your Contract Terms

Understanding your existing contract terms is vital. Focus on key areas such as cloud usage, mergers and acquisitions, certification, and compliance. Knowing these details helps identify gaps or weaknesses that could be improved.

For example, ensuring comprehensive cloud deployment coverage can protect your organization during cloud transitions. Improving terms related to mergers and acquisitions can help include new entities in the ULA, avoiding future licensing issues.

  • Key areas to focus on:
    • Cloud usage
    • Mergers and acquisitions
    • Certification
    • Compliance

Maintain Negotiation Leverage with Oracle

Avoid revealing too much information about your usage and plans when negotiating with Oracle.

The more information Oracle has, the less leverage you have. Therefore, to maintain a strong negotiating position, strategic information must be kept confidential.

Engage independent advisors, not resellers or Oracle’s Software Investment Advisory, to help design your ULA renewal strategy. Third-party experts can provide unbiased advice and help navigate Oracle licensing complexities.

  • Engage independent advisors: Ensure unbiased advice.
  • Keep strategic information confidential: Maintain negotiating leverage.

Consider Your IT Infrastructure Plans

Align future IT infrastructure plans with your Oracle ULA terms. For instance, if you move to a public cloud, negotiate ULA terms to match these deployments.

Consider the pace and scope of your cloud migration, ensuring your ULA covers all scenarios. This alignment maximizes agreement benefits and avoids future licensing issues.

Being proactive about your IT plans during negotiations saves significant time and resources.

  • Align with IT plans:
    • Future public cloud moves
    • Pace and scope of cloud migration
    • Comprehensive scenario coverage

Merger and Acquisitions

If your organization has undergone mergers or acquisitions in the past three years, include these new entities in the ULA.

Also, consider potential near-future reorganizations. Adding a mergers and acquisitions clause provides flexibility and protection as your business evolves, ensuring all parts of your organization are covered under the ULA and preventing compliance issues.

  • Include new entities: Post-merger or acquisition.
  • Consider future reorganizations: Add necessary clauses.

By following this comprehensive checklist, you can effectively prepare for your Oracle ULA renewal.

Reviewing your licensing, benchmarking against industry standards, understanding your contract terms, maintaining negotiation leverage, aligning with IT infrastructure plans, and considering mergers and acquisitions will help you navigate the renewal process smoothly and secure the best agreement for your organization.


What is the first step in preparing for Oracle ULA renewal? The first step is to review your current licensing. Analyze your utilization of ULA and non-ULA products to understand what you are using and identify gaps.

Why should I review my current licensing before renewing my ULA? Reviewing your current licensing helps you understand which products you are using and ensures you include all necessary software in the new ULA, preventing unexpected costs and reducing financial risks.

How can I benchmark my Oracle ULA? Research what other companies pay for similar agreements to benchmark your Oracle ULA. This will help you understand industry standards and set realistic negotiation goals.

Why is it important to understand my contract terms? Understanding your contract terms helps you know what your agreement allows regarding cloud usage, mergers and acquisitions, certification, and compliance, allowing you to improve terms and protect your company from compliance claims.

What should I keep in mind when negotiating with Oracle? Do not reveal too much information to Oracle. Maintain leverage by keeping strategic information confidential and seek independent advice to design an effective ULA renewal strategy.

How can independent advisors help in the negotiation process? Independent advisors provide unbiased advice and help navigate the complexities of Oracle licensing, ensuring you get the best deal without compromising your negotiating leverage.

Why should I consider my IT infrastructure plans when renewing my ULA? Aligning your IT infrastructure plans with Oracle ULA terms ensures that future deployments, such as moving to a public cloud, are covered, maximizing the benefits of your agreement.

What should I do if my organization has undergone mergers or acquisitions? Include any new entities from mergers or acquisitions in the ULA. This ensures all parts of your organization are covered and helps avoid future compliance issues.

Why is adding a mergers and acquisitions clause to the ULA important? A mergers and acquisitions clause provides flexibility and protection, ensuring all changes in your business structure or operations are covered under the ULA.

What are the risks of not reviewing my current licensing before the ULA renewal? Not reviewing your current licensing can lead to unexpected costs, as you may miss including necessary software in the ULA. It can also prevent you from making informed decisions about adding or removing products.

How can I set realistic negotiation goals for my ULA renewal? Set realistic negotiation goals by benchmarking your ULA against industry standards, understanding what other companies pay, and determining a fair deal for your organization.

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  • Fredrik Filipsson has 20 years of experience in Oracle license management, including nine years working at Oracle and 11 years as a consultant, assisting major global clients with complex Oracle licensing issues. Before his work in Oracle licensing, he gained valuable expertise in IBM, SAP, and Salesforce licensing through his time at IBM. In addition, Fredrik has played a leading role in AI initiatives and is a successful entrepreneur, co-founding Redress Compliance and several other companies.

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